3 Positive Things from Quarantine
Keep moving forward.
While quarantine will persist for a bit longer, and a new type of “normal” awaits us at the end of the tunnel, it is worthwhile to reflect on the positives that quarantine has brought us despite the constant negativity that surrounds us via the media (and sometimes [often?], even people we know).
- Social interaction and professional growth.
I don’t have to state the endless pros and cons of which technology provides us however the wonderful level of positive social interaction and community engagement should not be understated. Compared to previous generations, it is easier than ever for us to connect with friends and family almost instantly when need-be, assisting us through the high and low points of our day. Additionally, while there is a tendency to focus on those hoarding of toilet paper and emptying supermarket shelves as a reflection of the selfishness of human beings, it is imperative to not let such behaviour overshadow those doing their best to serve their communities and selflessly brighten someone else’s day, showcasing the incredible human spirit of community despite the physical limitations in place, from dance parties on apartment balconies to the essential workers putting their health at risk for the betterment of their communities.
Despite the growth in unemployment and uncertainty in the coming weeks/months with respect to employment, the opportunities for professional development and networking has been ten-fold, given the possibilities to enroll in online courses, learn new skills, expand one’s professional network via LinkedIn as well as various virtual networking sessions, and discover new opportunities in previously unexplored fields, whether related or unrelated to one’s previous experience. It has been amazing to see how many people are actively putting themselves out there and trying to assist others (whether they know them personally or not [often times not]) in staying positive and moving forward professionally, offering their time to connect and speak over the phone or via Zoom and Skype.
2. Solitude and personal growth.
As much as social interaction is fundamental to life and has proved to be vital during quarantine, this time has also showed the importance of solitude. While solitude is often construed in a negative light and as a result there is a desire to avoid solitude as much as possible (addiction to phones and social media is a prime effect of this), quarantine has forced us to face physical confinement dead-on and really listen to ourselves and our thoughts. Solitude has allowed for us to take charge and discover new ways to stay mentally and physically healthy, in turn enhancing our personal growth: finally reading that book, committing to that hobby or interest you’ve longed to do, dedicating some time in the day to physical activity, drawing that picture, learning that language, ditching that negative habit in exchange for a positive one, etc. I don’t want to get too deep into mental-health as everyone has their own battle and are aware of their own struggles, however the additional free time of which we are in possession, by ourselves, is a chance to make positive personal change.
Solitude should not be feared, rather it is quite useful at times as a means for each and every one of us to take an opportunity to reflect on our lives and be accountable for what we can and can’t control, and take necessary steps (small daily goals) to move forward and better our lives.
3. Slowing down and enjoying life.
We pride ourselves on always being busy or occupied with some task(s) as it gives us a sense of purpose and in an rather funny way we then display this to others in order to show the level of productivity we possess, whether it is in fact true or not. Regardless, quarantine has allowed us to legitimately slow down and enjoy “the small things” in life, from the meals we craft, to the new music in which we indulge, to the simplicity of sunshine and clear skies (the Earth has taken a nice deep breath during this time). We all have big life goals towards which we work hard to achieve however it is fundamental to take a step back and reset, actually get the recommended amount of sleep, and focus on the small but effective positives that life provides us each day that are within our control. Above all, be kind. To yourself and to others as well. We are all experiencing good days and bad days. It’s important to take it easy on yourself, you’re doing just fine.
When we reach the end of the tunnel, the most important thing to remember from our time in quarantine is to not revert back to old ways and ditch the positive things that we’ve taken the time to develop. There have been many great lessons that we have learned during out time at home. The world is already looking different, but human beings have always been resilient in overcoming new challenges: stay positive, and keep moving forward.