27 Rules for Life
27 thoughts for 27 years.
2 min readDec 5, 2023
I turn 28 today.
27 was the best year of my life to date. So I felt like sharing 27 thoughts for my 27 laps around the sun (in no particular order):
- Your circle is important. Be aware of who you spend time with.
- Don’t be afraid to do things on your own. That’s when you really know who you are.
- Imposter syndrome is a joke. Get out of your own way.
- The more you do something, the less scary it becomes.
- Have a plan of where you want to go. Enjoy the moment, but have the destination in mind.
- The destination can change. Everyone changes their mind.
- You’ll always be okay. The worst thing that can happen to you is death. And it’s not like you stress when you die.
- You should only compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
- People come and go for a reason. Enjoy it while it lasts, then let go.
- Grudges do nothing but hold you back.
- The only person that will deal with you for the rest of your life is you, so love yourself.
- Expectations will almost always let you down.
- Life is as complicated as you want it to be. The answer to things is often a yes or a no.
- Everyone is your friend when things are going well. Prioritize those who have your back when things aren’t going well.
- Your inner child will ultimately guide you.
- If you can’t say you admire anything about a close friend, then they’re not a close friend.
- Don’t have a job – have a career. It’s up to you to make it.
- Make the best career moves for you. Nobody else really cares, even if they say they do.
- Same goes for what you do in your life. Everyone is too busy with their own lives to really care about what you’re doing.
- Pain and suffering are a part of life. Embrace them.
- Making time to reflect will answer most of your questions.
- If it doesn’t work out, you can always go back.
- You can ask for advice, but your intuition knows what’s best.
- You don’t like to listen to complaints – so don’t complain.
- Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual. Do what you want and figure it out as you go.
- You are the reason for most of your problems.
- Be disciplined, but have fun.
28. The only way out is through.